<C언어> 타입, 연산자, 제어문, 함수, 배열, 포인터 - 기본편 2
A reference is http://www.tcpschool.com/c/intro 코딩교육 티씨피스쿨 4차산업혁명, 코딩교육, 소프트웨어교육, 코딩기초, SW코딩, 기초코딩부터 자바 파이썬 등 tcpschool.com Type Variable Variable is a memory space allocated by the program to store data. Namely, variable is a memory space that could store data, and the data can be chaged. Bit and Byte A computer express and process all the data as binary number. Bit is the smallest unit which i..
2023. 3. 22.